to see how we can navigate your expat life !

Article on Bebe voyage How to Raise Global Citizens — A Word From Expert Expat Parenting Coach

FIGT Focus on Kindness: How to bring kindness to you and your family with Florence Chabert d'Hieres How can we help our children understand what it means to be kind and help them show kindness? How do we bring kindness int our family life? FIGT Member, intercultural coach and author of the children's book, 'I'm a Citizen of the World', Florence Chabert d'Hieres offers some practical suggestions.

Featuring as a service of Expat.Org Experte Interculturelle sur le site

How to create a family culture on the move

Ruth Van Rekey after signing my book at the FIGT conference in Bangkok in 2019

Burger metaphor poster for FIUGT 2019 Conference in Bangkok

Article in la Gazette French magazine in Singapour written by Karine Lespinasse

Webinaire “Expatriation : s’adapter, s’intégrer en famille”
Coach4expat dans Femmexpat
Enfants de troisième culture Click here
Coach4expat in Dubaimadame | Article on TCK (French)
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Femmexpat Articles
Florence : ma vision du marché du travail à Dubaï
Dans la presse pour Studyrama / in the news for a French magazine called Studyrama:
Article Vivre à l’étranger : on Studyrama
VOUS ETES FRANCOPHONE ET PREVOYEZ UNE EXPATRIATION DANS LE GOLFE PERSIQUE Afin de vous adapter rapidement dans le Golfe consultez le programme de coaching pour expats
Cadrexport Un nouvel ouvrage sur l’expatriation. Ce livre à destination des francophones, est là pour vous aider à partir simplement et sereinement. Il décline tous les thèmes..
Lire la suite…
Enfin un guide à destination des francophones, avec tous les thèmes que vous devez prendre en compte avant de partir ou de revenir …
Une check-list nécessaire pour franchir toutes les étapes de votre expérience à l’étranger, qui feront que vous partirez sans stress et serein vers votre nouvelle vie…
Facile à lire et construit de façon à ce que vous partagiez les expériences d’autres expatriés qui, comme vous, ont déjà vécu ce que vous allez vivre. On gagne du temps en apprenant des autres …
Partir à l’étranger ça s’apprend, le guide ressources pour toute personne qui part et dans n’importe quel pays.
Lisez l’introduction gratuitement en cliquant ici
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Dubai Madame
Le guide « Fly away : la Boîte à outils de l’expatrié et sa famille »
Les 40 conseils de votre coach: Rubrique Guide d’expat – Partir vivre à Dubai
Formatrice au French Business Council – Dubai
Coach pour World Abroad-
Le Mag
Having moved around the world Coach4expat, has created partnerships and has media coverage around the World such as:
In English : on, Story of Florence Living abroad click here on Intouch relocations Newsletter
Articles in
Dubai confidential & Expatecho Dubai
This week’s Into-yous features French expat Florence Chabert d’Hieres
Tell us a little about yourself:
I think that I am a lucky "citizen of the world".. Why ? I was adopted by French – Italian parents from Sri Lanka, 30 years ago ! I lived and study in France and in the US.
Have two baby girls and a wonderful husband !
I have created two companies Coach4expat to help new comers settle in the UAE. Becoming a mum I created Dubaikidcare to answer all our babysitting needs !
When did you move to Dubai and what brought you here:
We moved just after our wedding in 2010, My husband shifted from Nigeria to Dubai, I am cross cultural coach and trainer so I can work any where !
I love beeing a mompreneur !
Have you been an expat elsewhere and if so, where?
Yes in New York, Geneva and Melbourne …
The best advice you were given to prepare you for life in Dubai:
Everything is possible as long as you work hard !
What surprised you most about Dubai?
I am still surprised everyday , It is not because it is different that it is bad !
What area do you live in?
Jumeirah Heights
If money were no object, where would you most like to live in Dubai?
We just bought so I love where we live !
Your favourite Arabic word or phrase you have learned so far:
Mashallah, what people say when they see my baby girl !
Your least favourite word or phrase you have adopted since moving to Dubai:
Yes ma’am !
What has been your best experience in Dubai to date?
Dune bashing and Desert camp
Where do you hope to spend your next holiday?
South Africa
Who is the person you most miss when you are in Dubai?
My Italian grandmother
What is your favourite restaurant in Dubai?
Bussola when I miss my Italian background !
Icho for the teppaniaki and a beautiful view of Dubai !
What grocery item do you most miss from your home country?
La France , La France !
Cervelas – A French sausage with pistachios – unique from my city LYON ! & of course the ”real” pain au chocolat for breakfast !
When friends and family visit you in Dubai where will you absolutely take them?
In the desert and Madinat Jumeirah
If you just arrived in the UAE and need some help to adapt yourself ?
Please contact us in order to discover our cross cultural training & coaching sessions !
listen to ‘Relocation 1, 22.09.2013’ on Audioboo
listen to ‘Relocation 2, 22.09.2013’ on Audioboo